PPT2HTML system requirements

PPT2HTML (standard or Batch version) is an PowerPoint add-in for Windows versions of PowerPoint.

It's compatible with Windows PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003

So, to use it, you need:

Is there a version of PPT2HTML for Mac, Unix, Linux, Etceterix?
Sorry, no.

If you have Windows emulator software that can run one of the PowerPoint versions listed above, then you can almost certainly use PPT2HTML and PPT2HTMLBatch as well. Give the free demos a try. If they run correctly under your emulater, the registered version will also.

Is there a version of PPT2HTML that doesn't require PowerPoint?
Sorry again, but no. Nor do we know of any from other sources or any code libraries, free or otherwise, that would support a converter.

But consider PPT2HTMLBatch for use in a heterogenous environment (that's Geek for "We have Macs and PCs and stuff.") You can install it on a single inexpensive Windows computer, give the computer access to a shared server folder where users or a server script send PowerPoint files for conversion.

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