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:firstanswer:, :lastanswer: The names of the HTML files containing the first and last answers in the FAQ


Click <a href=":firstanswer:" target="_new">this</a> to open a new browser window on answer to the first page listed on the index page of this FAQ.

gives you this on your web pages:

Click this to open a new browser window on answer to the first page listed on the index page of this FAQ.

And this:

Click <a href=":lastanswer:" target="_new">this</a> to open a new browser window on answer to the last page listed on the index page of this FAQ.

gives you this on your web pages:

Click this to open a new browser window on answer to the last page listed on the index page of this FAQ.

How/When you'd use it
If you use Friday to produce tutorials or online "slide shows", it's handy to include links that let the viewer jump to the beginning or end of the show directly.

Filename: FAQ00113.htm
Last edited on 11/1/2004 1:48:22 AM

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Friday The Automatic FAQ Maker