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PDF-related software

Any attempt to list all the available utility and other programs that work with PDF files is doomed from the start. There are so many of these already, and the field is expanding every day, that keeping up with it is a task for devoted specialists.

Luckily, there are sites that do a very good job of it. If you're looking for a specific solution or just want to get a good overview of what's possible/available, here are a few places to start:



Quite Software has several plug-ins for Acrobat/Exchange that give you the ability to impose PDF documents or alter them in useful ways:

Quite Software: Quite Imposing and Quite A Box of Tricks

Also see Make a PDF file if I don't have Acrobat? for software that allows you to create PDFs "non-Acrobatically".

And Jim Land's PostScript/Ghostscript Internet Resources Web Page for a large but carefully selected list of links to PDF and PS-related resources.

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