The BASIC template
The Basic template is a simple template that gives you an image of the PowerPoint slide and converts action buttons and hyperlinks to links in the HTML version of your presentation.
Here's the Basic template:
<html> <head> <TITLE>:Prefs.PageTitle:</TITLE> </head> <body> :Nav.Map: <CENTER><IMG SRC=":Slide.Image:" width=:Slide.Image.width: BORDER="NO"></CENTER> </body> </html>
Now let's look at that line by line:
<html> <head>
These are the basic HTML headers that every HTML page begins with.
This sets the Page Title that appears in the browser's title bar. This changes with each presentation, so rather than hard-coding a literal value, we use a placeholder ... :Prefs.PageTitle:
PPT2HTML replaces this placeholder with the Page Title you supply in the Preferences dialog, so each presentation can have its own title without your having to edit the template.
</head> <body>
This closes the HEAD portion of the HTML file and starts the BODY. This is standard for nearly every HTML page.
We want the action buttons in the PPT to become clickable links in the HTML version, so we include the :Nav.Map: placeholder. :Nav.Map: tells PPT2HTML to make the slide image a clickable image map. It must appear in the template before the slide image placeholder, which we'll add next.
<CENTER> <IMG SRC=":Slide.Image:" width=:Slide.Image.width: BORDER="NO"> </CENTER>
We want the slide image centered, so we surrounded it with CENTER tags. Then comes a normal HTML IMG tag, but instead of a hard-coded image file name, we use the :Slide.Image: placeholder. :Slide.Image: becomes the name of the image PPT2HTML exports of each slide.
We could also supply a specific image width here, but we might later want to use different widths for different presentations, so we use the :Slide.Image.width: placeholder insteadd of a hard-coded value. PPT2HTML substitutes the width in pixels you supply in the Preferences dialog box for :Slide.Image.width:
Some browsers add a border around images that have a clickable image map attached. To prevent that, we specify BORDER="NO" here.
And finally, the last bits of code that appear at the bottom of every HTML file.
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