
Latest news:

For those of you who've been waiting:
PPTools Merge is now available in a 64- and 32-bit compatible version.
Thank you for your patience.

By the way, there's no charge for the updated version.


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What about updates? Time limitations?

There are no time limits on purchased PPTools add-ins or demo versions. They never "time out". You can use them for as long as you wish.

There are no limits to the number of times you can use them or on the number of exports, conversions, etc. you can do with them.

From time to time, we update the various PPTools add-ins. When we publish updates, we update the Revisions page of the add-in's site. If you wish, you can subscribe to an RSS feed of just this page.

We make updated versions available on the PPTools Downloads page.

Updates are free.

To update your PPTools add-in, download the appropriate installer, save it to your computer's hard drive and run it from there.

When we publish a totally new version of one of the PPTools, we may treat it as a new product rather than as a free update.

If a new version of Windows or PowerPoint requires major changes to one or more of the PPTools add-ins, there may be a charge for updates. So far, this hasn't been necessary.

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