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Mass Quantities

This is the code from the Mass Quantities section of the seminar (modMassQuantities) that deals with automating actions across many slides or many presentations.

Option Explicit

Sub GreenToRed()
    ' Object variables for Slides and Shapes
    Dim oSh As Shape
    Dim oSl As Slide

    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes
            If oSh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0) Then
                oSh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            End If
        Next oSh
    Next oSl

End Sub

Sub FolderFull()
    ' For each presentation in a folder that matches our specifications
    '   - open the file
    '   - call another subroutine that does something to it
    '   - save the file
    '   - close the file

    Dim strCurrentFile As String    ' variable to hold a single file name
    Dim strFileSpec As String       ' variable to hold our file spec
    ' give it a value that works for my computer:
    strFileSpec = "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen Rindsberg\Desktop\PPTLive\Automation\LotsOfFiles\*.ppt"

    ' get the first file that matches our specification
    strCurrentFile = Dir$(strFileSpec)

    ' don't do anything if we didn't find any matching files
    ' but if we did, keep processing files until we don't find any more
    While Len(strCurrentFile) > 0
        ' open the presentation
        Presentations.Open (strCurrentFile)

        ' by changing this next line to call a different subroutine
        ' you can have this same code do other tasks
        Debug.Print ActivePresentation.Name

        ' call the Green to Red macro to process the file
        Call GreenToRed

        ' save the file under a new name with FIXED_ at the beginning
        ActivePresentation.SaveAs (ActivePresentation.Path & "\" _
            & "Fixed_" _
            & ActivePresentation.Name)

        ' close it
        ' and get the next file that matches our specification
        ' if you don't supply a new file spec, Dir$ returns the next
        ' file that matches the previously supplied specification
        strCurrentFile = Dir$

    ' Note: Don't use Dir in code that's called from within a loop
    ' that uses Dir - only one "Dir" can be "active" at a time.
    ' In production code, it's best to keep it in a very short loop or
    ' to collect file names in a short loop then process them after
    ' Arrays are useful for this

End Sub

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