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How to reproduce old-style preset gradients


There used to be a variety of available pre-set gradients in PPT but they're no longer available in more recent versions.


Here's a bit of code that will create samples of each preset gradient and show you the transparency, stops, and RGB colors needed to re-create them. You could also use the resulting file as a source to pick up with the formatting paintbrush and apply to other shapes.

Or just download the finished sample presentation (PresetGradientSpecs) if you prefer.

Sub ShowMeTheGrads()

' Start with a 24-slide presentation
' 1 shape on each slide (ie a full-slide rectangle)

    Dim lPSGradType As Long
    Dim lGradStop As Long
    Dim lShape As Long
    Dim sTemp As String
    Dim lRed As Long
    Dim lGreen As Long
    Dim lBlue As Long

    For lPSGradType = 1 To 24  ' there are 24 preset gradient types
        sTemp = ""
        With ActivePresentation.Slides(lPSGradType).Shapes(1)
            .Fill.PresetGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 2, lPSGradType
            sTemp = "Gradient Type " & lPSGradType & vbCr
            With .Fill.GradientStops
                sTemp = sTemp & "Gradient stops:" & vbTab & CStr(.Count) & vbCr
                For lGradStop = 1 To .Count
                    sTemp = sTemp & "Stop #:" & vbTab & CStr(lGradStop) & vbCr
                    sTemp = sTemp & "Position: " & vbTab & CStr(.Item(lGradStop).Position) & vbCr
                    sTemp = sTemp & "Transparency: " & vbTab & CStr(.Item(lGradStop).Transparency) & vbCr
                    Call LongColorToRGB(lRed, lGreen, lBlue, .Item(lGradStop).Color.RGB)
                    sTemp = sTemp & "Color RGB: " & vbTab & "R: " & lRed & " / G: " & lGreen & " / B: " & lBlue & vbCr
            End With
            With .TextFrame.TextRange
                .Font.Size = 14
                .Text = sTemp
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
        End With    ' Slide(lPSGradType)

End Sub

' Here are the names of the gradient fills, in no particular order

Sub LongColorToRGB(ByRef pRed As Variant, _
                   ByRef pGreen As Variant, _
                   ByRef pBlue As Variant, _
                   ByVal pRGBColor As Long)
' Returns the R, G, B components of an RGB Long value
' Note:  if long > 16777214, returns 255s for all three values

    pRed = pRGBColor Mod 256
    pGreen = pRGBColor \ 256 Mod 256
    pBlue = pRGBColor \ 65536 Mod 256

End Sub

See How do I use VBA code in PowerPoint? to learn how to use this example code.

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How to reproduce old-style preset gradients
Last update 24 April, 2017
Created: 24 April, 2017