Links to Excel break
You have a PowerPoint presentation that includes links to specific ranges of cells in an Excel worksheet.
You move the presentation and the workbook to another computer and, while PowerPoint can find the workbook, the links still don't work.
The problem might be that the worksheet was created on a German language version of Office but has been moved to an English language version. To quote PowerPoint MVP John Wilson, who identified this problem for a visitor to the PowerPoint section of Microsoft Answers:
If you look at the link address in English it ends R2C2:R5C5 The R & C stand for Row and Column - Row2,Column2 >>Row5,Column5 The German for Row is Zeile and for Column is Spalte So (not very clever of MSFT) in German the link ends Z2S2:Z5S5
John went on to provide some VBA code that will fix the problem. As always, it's best to run this sort of code on a COPY of your valuable presentations:
Sub G2E() Dim regX As Object Dim osld As Slide Dim oshp As Shape Dim b_found As Boolean Dim strLink As String On Error Resume Next Set regX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With regX .Global = True .Pattern = "Z(\d)S(\d)" End With For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each oshp In osld.Shapes Err.Clear strLink = oshp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName If Err = 0 Then b_found = regX.Test(strLink) If b_found = True Then strLink = regX.Replace(strLink, "R$1C$2") oshp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = strLink End If End If Next oshp Next osld Set regX = Nothing End Sub
See How do I use VBA code in PowerPoint? to learn how to use this example code.