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Batch-convert high resolution images for PowerPoint or web use (batch downsampling)

Modern digital cameras take photos at much higher resolution than we normally need for use on the web or in PowerPoint presentations, and previewing high resolution images can be slow, because they sometimes take a long time to appear on screen.

The solution is to make copies of the images at lower resolution, a process called "downsampling". This is fairly simple with any image editing program, but can be tedious when we have lots of images to downsample.

There's a very useful program called IrfanView, free for non-commercial use, that's kind of the Swiss Army knife of image processing software. One of its most useful features is the ability to batch process huge numbers of images. You can set it up once, then downsample a whole folder full of images at once.

You can get IrfanView at The link will open in a new window so you can download and install IrfanView, then continue reading. We'll wait right here.

Batch downsampling with IrfanView

Note: this information is also available in Acrobat PDF format. Click here to view or download BatchConversionWithIrfanView.pdf

The image files should all be in a folder on your hard drive to begin with. Always use COPIES of your original photo files there, just in case you make a mistake.

Your version may look slightly different, and the pre-selected options may vary. Select the following options:

And ... the moment we've all been waiting for ... click "Start Batch". And sit back to watch the magic as IrfanView does all of your conversions for you.

Notice that it tells you in the title bar of the progress dialog box which image it's working on and how many total there are to do.

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Batch-convert high resolution images for PowerPoint or web use (batch downsampling)
Last update 07 November, 2011