File cannot be found error message when opening a file
You attempt to open a file in PowerPoint and get an error message indicating that PowerPoint cannot find the file.
This may happen even when you've just browsed to the file and chosen it yourself.
Here are some things to check:
- File Permissions: you will see this message if you (or the user account you're logged in under) doesn't have Delete privileges on the folder the PowerPoint file is in. If you can't give yourself Delete privileges, copy the PowerPoint file to another folder where you do have Delete privileges and open it from that folder.
- AntiVirus Settings: temporarily change your antivirus settings to exclude the file type you're having trouble opening (ie, tell it not to test e.g. PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX etc. file types). If this solves the problem, contact your antivirus software vendor to see if there's an update.