AutoWideScreen: an example add-in with event handling
How do you work with event handling in a practical add-in?
We've written a simple add-in, AutoWideScreen, to demonstrate a few basic event handling techniques.
It's also a useful little add-in; when it's installed, it traps the New Presentation event and automatically sets any new presentation to the height and width you specify in a configuration file.
If you use wide-screen laptops and monitors, this could save the trouble caused by starting work on a new presentation and only later realizing that you've forgotten to set the presentation up for wide-screen aspect ratio to match your computer screen.
Download AUTOWIDESCREEN.ZIP (under 50kb) and extract the contents to any convenient folder. Though it's not necessary, we suggest creating a folder just for the add-in.
One of the included files is ReadMe.txt ... read it for further instructions.
The source code for the add-in (in AutoWideScreen.PPT) is also included in the ZIP file.