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Notes pages are odd-sized


PowerPoint has a bug, or several related bugs, that can cause problems with notes pages. For example:

Your presentation is set to a standard PowerPoint page setup size. Normally your notes pages will be the same size, but sometimes one or more notes pages will become some odd size.
And there's no obvious way to change it back. See Solution A below.


Notes text, slide images and graphics on notes pages suddenly appear in the wrong place and/or incorrectly sized. See Solution B below.

Nobody can explain why either of these happens; the second problem seems to be connected to editing presentations in the web or online versions of PowerPoint.

Solution A

By the way, you can also use the same techniques to deliberately modify the size of your notes pages. As always, work on a COPY of your important presentation.

This will involve unzipping the contents of the PPTX file and editing the XML code within. You'll find the basic steps below but if you'd like a more detailed, illustrated XML editing tutorial, or if you use a Mac, visit John Korchok's XML Hacking, An Introduction and then move on to his XML Hacking, Notes Page Repair.

For PowerPoint 2007 or later

The cx and cy values are in English Metric Units (EMU). 914400 to the inch or 360000 to the cm. Why the strange measurement system? The large numbers mean that we can express even very small measurements with great precision and still use whole numbers. The units chosen will convert between inches, cm and points and still give whole number results, and are also evenly divisible by 96 and 120, two common screen resolutions on Windows systems. Thanks to PowerPoint MVP John Wilson for the EMU info.

If you have PowerPoint 2000, 2002 or 2003

If you have Microsoft Script Editor installed

Your notes pages will now be reset to their default size.

If you don't have Script Editor installed:

Solution B

To restore notes page, do the following:

That should reset the notes page size and put the placeholders in the correct location.

If the placeholders are still not correct on each notes page, do the following on each notes page:

Did this solve your problem? If so, please consider supporting the PPT FAQ with a small PayPal donation.
Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape Contents © 1995 - 2022 Stephen Rindsberg, Rindsberg Photography, Inc. and members of the MS PowerPoint MVP team. You may link to this page but any form of unauthorized reproduction of this page's contents is expressly forbidden.

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Notes pages are odd-sized
Last update 23 August, 2019