Where it starts: the DisplayData project by Naresh Nichani and Brian Reilly
As already mentioned, this series of tutorials will be built upon a very useful and complete example VBA project by Microsoft Access MVP Naresh Nichani and PowerPoint MVP Brian Reilly.
There's more to come but I haven't had time to learn it, organize it and write it.
You're probably here because you're looking for a solution. Now. Not when my tuit shipment comes in.
If that's the case, don't wait for me. Download The Display Data project from Naresh Nichani and Brian Reilly now and spend a little time studying the techniques included.
To use the project:
- Rightclick the link and save the target to a convenient folder on your PC
- Unzip the file (it contains one PowerPoint file, DisplayData.PPT)
- Start PowerPoint and ensure that your Macro Security settings are at Medium or lower
- Open DisplayData.PPT
- Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA IDE
- Open the DisplayData project, doubleclick the form and press F5 to run it
- When prompted, choose an Access MDB database file
- Enjoy
As you'll see, Nichani and Reilly's DisplayData project demonstrates how to:
- Open a connection to an Access database or Excel data file
- Enumerate the tables and queries in the database/XLS
- Enumerate the fields in a chosen table or query/XLS
- Select an arbtrary number of records (extracting just the data from the chosen fields)
- Build a series of slides, each containing records from the extracted data, in PowerPoint