Highlight text in PowerPoint
How come you can highlight text in Word but not in PowerPoint?
We don't have a good answer for that one other than "Because Bill says so." And that's just an answer, not a good one.
We do have a workaround. This macro will add a yellow rectangle behind any selected text. You can edit it to change the color if the boss prefers violet or puce or ... well, whatever. No accounting for taste, is there?
The companion UnHighlight macro will remove any of these highlights from your slide.
Sub Highlight() Dim oRng As TextRange Dim lLineCount As Long Dim oRect As Shape Dim dOffset As Double Dim lFillColor As Long ' EDIT THESE AS NEEDED ' dOffset sets the amount of padding added around the text (in points) dOffset = 2 ' change this to get a different highlight color lFillColor = RGB(255, 255, 128) With ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange For lLineCount = 1 To .Lines.Count Set oRng = .Lines(lLineCount) With oRng Set oRect = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _ .BoundLeft - dOffset, _ .BoundTop - dOffset, _ .Boundwidth + dOffset, _ .Boundheight + dOffset) With oRect ' format it .Fill.Visible = msoTrue ' in case default fill's set to invisible .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lFillColor .Line.Visible = msoFalse ' tag it so we can find/delete it later Call .Tags.Add("Highlight", "YES") ' send it behind the text While Not .ZOrderPosition < ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).ZOrderPosition .ZOrder msoSendBackward Wend End With End With Next End With End Sub Sub UnHighlight() ' Removes highlights Dim oSh As Shape Dim x As Long With ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1) For x = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1 Set oSh = .Shapes(x) If oSh.Tags("Highlight") = "YES" Then oSh.Delete End If Next End With End Sub
See How do I use VBA code in PowerPoint? to learn how to use this example code.