Graphics are missing, replaced with white box
When you or others view an HTML version of your presentation in a browser, graphic or other content is missing from some of the slides.
The problem may be due to ad-blocking or security programs. The software may disallow images that happen to be the same size as the commonly used ad-banner sizes on the web. In other words, your 125x125 pixel graphic may be "disallowed" simply because it happens to be exactly that size.
The same software might get up to all sorts of other mischief. It could filter out pages because they contain words that are on the software's "no-no" list.
If it's your computer, disable any ad-blocking software temporarily to see if the images or other missing content appears when you visit the page again and click the refresh button.
If you suspect it's a problem with a firewall or other filtering program on your own computer, check the software settings to see if you can disable just the ad-protection and/or content filtering features. We can't recommend disabling the firewall completely while you're online.
Search terms:ad,block,html,web,missing,graphic,image