Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations / PowerPoint accessibility
How do you create and distribute presentations that anyone can access?
Your basic PowerPoint presentation's fine for most people, but what if your audience includes people with impaired vision, who must use technology that reads computer information aloud to them? What about the 10% or so of your audience who can be assumed to be color blind? What can you do to make your presentation more comprehensible to people with dyslexia?
In short: how can you make sure your message gets across to everyone?
Glenna Shaw (PPTLive speaker extraordinaire) has done extensive research into making PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with varying abilities.
She shares her knowledge (of this and of PowerPoint in general) at The PowerPoint Magician
Be sure to see her PowerPoint accessibility tutorials at The Incredible, Accessible Presentation.
Glenna has published a tutorial on captioning here.
And see Glenda Watson Hyatt's How to add talking captions to your PowerPoint presentations.