Adding editable points to a shape, editing points when PowerPoint says No
You need to edit the points of a shape, but when you select it, Edit Points is grayed out/unavailable.
You want to add new points to a shape but can't.
There are several methods you can try, depending on the shape you're editing and the result you're after.
- Select the shape, choose Edit, Copy then choose Edit, Paste Special and pick Metafile as the paste type, then click OK. That will make a metafile copy of your original shape. Ungroup this and you'll be able to edit (and add) points. This won't work with ovals and rectangles ... but see below for a cool trick.
- Position and then group another shape with the original shape and add the points you need to the additional shape.
- Check out Glen Millar's Connectors Tutorial
But wait! Geetesh Bajaj's Organic Boxes await your consideration.
The Edit, Copy | Edit, Paste Special as Metafile technique can work with a rectangle or oval too with this workaround:
- Choose the Rounded Rectangle shape and draw it on your slide.
- Within this shape, you will find a yellow diamond towards the top left.
- Drag the diamond leftwards to create a rectangle or rightwards to create an oval.
- Then follow the steps outlined above to get Edit Points.
Geetesh has a detailed tutorial that explains this and other useful techniques here.