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Mac: How to create a presentation for distribution on CD

PowerPoint X has a new feature called PowerPoint Packages that simplifies distribution of PowerPoint presentations. This method helps to avoid broken links and helps to collect all files in one place for easy distribution.

Even without PowerPoint X, it's certainly still possible to create presentations optimized for distribution; it simply takes a little more effort. This article from Microsoft will help you create a CD-based version of your PowerPoint presentations:

297467 MacPPT: How to Create a Presentation for Distribution on CD-ROM

Everything you wanted to know about MacPPTs and CDs, but were afraid to ask...

Remember that if you choose to use PowerPoint Packages or choose to save PowerPoint presentations in the regular PPT format for distribution, you will need a copy of PowerPoint on the receiving end to open the file. If you don't have PowerPoint on the other computer, links to download free PowerPoint Viewers for Mac or PC are here on the PowerPoint FAQ

More about optimizing presentations for cross-platform compatibility

Taking Presentations on the Road - PowerPoint 2004

Taking Presentations on the Road - PowerPoint X

Creating PowerPoint Packages - PowerPoint X

Thanks to PowerPoint MVPs John Reiher and Mickey Stevens for these useful links.

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Mac: How to create a presentation for distribution on CD
Last update 07 June, 2011