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Image Export converts PowerPoint slides to high-quality images.

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Improve PowerPoint's GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG export resolution

You're here because you want to export higher resolution/better quality images from PowerPoint.

There are three main ways of getting there:

Exporting from PowerPoint to other file types

To export your PowerPoint slides to other file types (BMP, WMF, JPG, PNG, etc)

When you save the entire presentation rather than a single slide, it uses the name you give it, makes a folder of that name, then creates the exported files in that folder, giving them names like Slide1.jpg, Slide2.jpg and so on.

Increase the resolution/quality of bitmaps from PowerPoint

The RnR PPTools Image Exporter add-in for PowerPoint gives you complete control over the resolution, destination, filenames and format of bitmaps you export from PowerPoint. It also gives you better quality images than you can get from PowerPoint in most cases.

Increase the resolution of your exported bitmaps without an add-in

When PowerPoint exports bitmap files, it uses the current Slide Page Size to determine the resolution (ie, number of pixels) in the files it makes. Here's the formula:

Image-width-In-Pixels = Slide-width-In-Inches x Magic-DPI-Number

What's the Magic-DPI-Number? That depends on the version of PowerPoint, your Windows video settings and in some cases, registry settings. To learn the Magic-DPI-Number for your setup:

Concerning the Magic Number, here are a few rules of thumb in case you don't have access to the system you're supporting:

That's the default -- how to change it?

To get higher resolution but bitmap exports, choose File, Page Setup (or File, Slide Setup) and increase the size of your Slide page. Keep the new size proportional to the old, please, or you'll distort your graphics, set text boxes to wandering randomly around the page and so on. We don't want that.

A little Registry Magic
If you have PowerPoint 2003 or higher, you can change the Windows registry to change resolutions. Not recommended for the faint of heart. Or anyone else. But here's the deal if you want to try (if the following doesn't make any sense, it might be better not to mess with the registry):

HOWEVER, text in images exported by PowerPoint 2002, 2003 and 2007 usually looks shabby no matter what resolution you choose. Microsoft let this go for three generations without a fix, so we assumed they didn't care. We do. We've solved the problem in PPTools ImageExporter.

OR ... if you use PowerPoint Mac

OR ...

A kinder, gentler way ...

The PPTools Image Exporter add-in lets you decide

No registry fiddles, no slide size changes, just set a few options and go, and all for less than 30 bucks.

OR ... if you're of the DIY persuasion, here's some VBA you can use to do the job yourself:

DIY with VBA

Option Explicit

' These items govern the export format and resolution
' Edit them as needed
' If you use a Mac, substitute colons for backslashes as path separators

' What image format is desired?
Const ExportFormat As String = "JPG"  ' change to "PNG" or whatever's needed

' Image width and height
' Make sure they're proportional to the slide's dimensions
Const ExportWidth As Long = 2048
Const ExportHeight As Long = 1234

' In what folder should we put the images?
' MUST end with a \ character
Const ExportFolder As String = "C:\Temp\"

' What should we name the images?
' Slide number will be appended to this base name
Const BaseName As String = "Slide_"

Sub ExportSlides()

    Dim oSl As Slide

    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        oSl.Export ExportFolder & BaseName & Format(oSl.SlideIndex, "0000") _
        & "." & ExportFormat, _
        ExportFormat, ExportWidth, ExportHeight
    Next    ' Slide

End Sub

As mentioned earlier, there's a little problem with early releases of PowerPoint 2013. No matter what resolution you request, it exports the images at the default resolution, then upsamples them to the resolution you requested. Or in non-technical terms: The images are trash. A later service pack fixed this problem.

See How do I use VBA code in PowerPoint? to learn how to use this example code.

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Improve PowerPoint's GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG export resolution
Last update 14 March, 2017