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Guidelines for the PowerPoint Support Forums

The PowerPoint Support Forums aka MS Answers have a few simple guidelines. Following them will help keep the forums user-friendly, and will help you get the answers you need quickly and accurately.

First, remember that the forum is for User to User support and that most of the members, including those with various Community Moderator, MVP and other badges, are volunteers, not paid support staff.

PowerPoint MVP Sonia Coleman summed it up best:

"The help you receive on the internet is not really free, though it is willingly and happily provided at a very low and reasonable cost. The price of admission is respect and professionalism and is due and must be paid in full with each post and reply. That's what makes it such a great place for learning and for sharing what we have learned."

How User to User support forums

Support forums are the internet version of the old "infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriters" trick: Tell your problem to enough people and one of them is almost sure to have a solution.

Forums put your message in front of thousands of people. All you have to do is type it once.

Actually it's even better: When somebody answers your question, somebody else will reply with other ideas or to correct their mistakes. Everybody with an interest in your problem can join in. That's why it works as well as it does.

And it gets better yet: Using Google or the forum's search feature, you can search for answers that someone may already have posted instead of posting your question and waiting for a reply.

How to get help

First, do some searching to see if someone has already answered your question.

If that doesn't help, post your message on the forum. Be sure to include all the information needed to solve your problem. Please describe your problem as completely as you can. Include:

Our Problem Report Form will help you organize your thoughts and collect the needed details.

In the PowerPoint support forum, you can request email notification when someone replies to your question. Sometimes this works, sometimes not. It's always a good idea to check back for replies every so often.

Now you know what to do. Before you go off to do it, there are a few things you shouldn't do.

How to avoid annoying the people who can help you

End of Sermon. Thanks for bearing with it. But by the way, here's the Official Word from MS on Use of Services like the PowerPoint forum.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Welcome to the PowerPoint support forums. See you there!

Did this solve your problem? If so, please consider supporting the PPT FAQ with a small PayPal donation.
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Guidelines for the PowerPoint Support Forums
Last update 16 March, 2017