You need to create two different versions of a single presentation and need to distinguish between the two by adding identifying text to the end of the HTML and image file names that PPT2HTML generates.
For example, you might want to generate one version of a presentation as Slide001-en.html (for the English version) and another as Slide001-fr.html for the French version.
PPT2HTML supports a filename "postfix" (the opposite of a prefix -- it goes at the end instead of at the beginning).
To use the feature, add one or more of the following lines to the [PPT2HTML] section of PPTools.INI
PostFixFromFilename=3 (or some other number)
When you convert a file called MyFile-en.PPT, PPT2HTML will pick up the last 3 characters of the filename (ignoring the extension) and tack them onto the end of any HTML or image files it creates. In this example, the postfix will be -en
PPT2HTML will ask the user for a postfix each time it converts a PPT file to HTML.
PostFix=-fr (or some other text)
Forces the postfix to -fr (or whatever text you use).
If you want to experiment, you can include all three. They're listed here in order of precedence. In other words, PPT2HTML will search the PPTools.INI file and process instructions in this order:
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