There's simply no way we can add all the features our PPT2HTML users would like us to.
We do our best to add often-requested features, but we also let you add your own new features with PPT2HTML's "hooks".
Hooks let you tell PPT2HTML to run programs at several points while PPT2HTML is converting your PPT files to HTML. You can choose to run external programs and batch files:
To cause a program to run at any of these points, you supply the name of the program and any necessary commandline parameters in the [PPT2HTML] section of the PPTools.INI file
; Just before PPT2HTML reads the html template:
HookPreTemplate= commandline
:Just before PPT2HTML starts to generate HTML for a presentation
HookPreHTML= commandline
;Just before PPT2HTML generates HTML for each slide in the presentation
HookPreSlide= commandline
;Just after PPT2HTML has generated HTML for each slide
HookPostSlide= commandline
;After all HTML and image files have been generated
HookPostHTML= commandline
The ability to run a particular program is useful, but it's a lot better when you can specify a file or files for the program to work with, input and/or output folders and so on. PPT2HTML lets you pass the names of files and folders it's using off to the external programs you hook into.
PPT2HTML will look for special parameters and substitute real values, as shown in the table below.
For example, you might use something like
HookPostHTML=RENAME.BAT %outputfolder %basename
to launch a batch file, RENAME.BAT that renames all the files in your output folder from basename to some other name.
Type | Parameter | Example | Replaced with |
PPT file | %sfullname | C:\My Documents\MyFile.PPT | Fully pathed name of presentation PPT2HTML is currently converting |
%sdrive | C: | Drive letter portion of full presentation path | |
%sdir | \My Documents\ | Directory portion of full presentation path, including backslashes | |
%sname | MyFile | Presentation file name w/o extension | |
%sext | PPT | Extension part of presentation name | |
HTML file | %hfullname | C:\OutputFolder\Slide001.htm | Fully pathed name of current HTML file |
%hdrive | C: | Drive letter portion of full HTML file path | |
%hdir | \OutputFolder\ | Directory portion of full HTML file path, including backslashes | |
%hname | Slide001 | HTML file name w/o extension | |
%hext | htm | Extension part of HTML file name | |
Image file | %ifullname | C:\OutputFolder\Slide001.jpg | Fully pathed name of current image file |
%idrive | C: | Drive letter portion of full image file path | |
%idir | \OutputFolder\ | Directory portion of full image file path, including backslashes | |
%iname | Slide001 | Image file name w/o extension (note that this is the same as the HTML file name w/o extension) | |
%iext | jpg | Extension part of image file name | |
Template file | %tfullname | C:\Program Files\RnR\PPToolsV2\Basic.htm | Fully pathed name of current template file |
%tdrive | C: | Drive letter portion of full template file path | |
%tdir | \Program Files\RnR\PPToolsV2\ | Directory portion of full template file path, including backslashes | |
%tname | Basic | Template file name w/o extension | |
%text | htm | Extension part of template file name | |
Misc | %basename | Slide | Basename from Preferences dialog (the "Slide" in "Slide001.htm" etc.) |
%outputfolder | \OutputFolder\ | Output folder | |
%pptoolsfolder | C:\Program Files\RnR\PPToolsV2\ | PPTools Folder |
Some of these values are undefined at certain hook points during the conversion process. For example, until PPT2HTML has begun converting Slide 1 to HTML, it can't supply valid values for the HTML or Image file replacement parameters that change from slide to slide (name and fullname) but it can supply those that don't change from one slide to the next: (drive, directory and extension).
The PPT file and Template file parameters are all valid at any hook point.
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