:File: placeholders

:File: placeholders return information about the PowerPoint file you're converting to HTML with PPT2HTML.

:File.Name: becomes the name of the PowerPoint file you're converting, without extension.

:File.NameExt: becomes the name of the PowerPoint file you're converting, with extension.

:File.Path: becomes the full path to the PowerPoint file you're converting, backslash-terminated.

Note: include both :File.Path: and :File.Name: to get the full path and name of the file.

:File.DateTime: becomes the last saved date and time of the PowerPoint file you're converting. The exact formatting of the date and time depends on the options you've chosen in the Windows Control Panel for date and time displays.

:File.Date: becomes the date the file was last saved
:File.Time: becomes the time the file was last saved

See :System.Time: and :System.Date: to learn how you can choose the formatting for both time and date.

:File.TotalSlides: becomes the number of slides in your presentation

:File.SizeInKb: becomes the size of your PPT file in Kb

:File.SizeInMb: becomes the size of your PPT file in Mb

The following entries in PPTools INI, the [PPT2HTML] section will control the formatting of both of these values:


The number of ## characters controls how many places appear to left and right of decimal point (or you can leave out the decimal point altogether).
PPT2HTML first checks to see what value is produced when FileSizeFormatString is applied. If that produces a blank, it uses SmallFileSizeFormatString instead.

For example, if FileSizeFormatString = ######## and the file in mb is .2, .2 formats to blank (no decimal point in the string, nothing to the right of decimal point). In a case like this, then, PPT2HTML will use SmallFileFormatString, so if that's set as above, the file size in MB will appear as .200 or .2.

Note: you can use the Document Property :number of bytes: placeholder to get the number of bytes in the file.

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