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:question.s: The current question, stripped of any user-defined placeholders

To use the current question, stripped of any user-defined placeholders, as the title of your answer pages, include this html in the answer template between the <head> and </head> tags:


How/When you'd use it
You don't need :question.s: unless you use user-defined placeholders in your questions. You can simply use :question: instead.

Normally, question returns the current question's text, but if your question has a user-defined placeholder in it, you may not want that to be included. For example if you have a user-defined placeholder that gets replaced by the HTML code to insert an image file, you don't want that code to appear in the Head portion of your html files.

At the same time, you might want to use the question as the title for the current answer page.

That's where you'd use question.s instead - it returns the question text stripped of any user-defined placeholders.

Last edited on 9/6/2001 4:42:10 PM

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