Can I add my own custom template sets?

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A template set consists of three files at a minimum: MAIN.TPL, ANSWER.TPL and FULLFAQ.TPL

Template sets are stored in the \Template folder, underneath the folder where you installed Friday.

For example, suppose you installed Friday to C:\Program Files\Friday

If you look at that folder, you'll see a structure like this:

C:\Program Files\Friday
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\This
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\This\MAIN.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\This\ANSWER.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\This\FULLFAQ.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\That
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\That\MAIN.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\That\ANSWER.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\That\FULLFAQ.TPL

And so on. One folder under \Template per template set, each with MAIN.TPL, ANSWER.TPL, FULLFAQ.TPL and possibly a few other files (images, CSS files, etc)

To add your own new template sets to Friday, simply create a new folder under \Template and copy your own MAIN.TPL, ANSWER.TPL and FULLFAQ.TPL files into it. For example:

C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\MyTemplate
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\MyTemplate\MAIN.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\MyTemplate\ANSWER.TPL
C:\Program Files\Friday\Template\MyTemplate\FULLFAQ.TPL

The next time you choose templates, your new template set will be on the list.

If your templates depend on other files (GIF/JPG/PNG image files, CSS stylesheets, etc.) put them in your template folder with the *.TPL files. Friday will copy them to your \HTML folder when it copies the *.TPL files to your \FAQ folder.

If you make a screenshot of your template displayed in the browser and save it as PREVIEW.GIF in your template file, Friday will display it when you click on the folder in the choose templates dialog box.

Likewise, if you put a description of your template in an ascii text file called PREVIEW.TXT and store that in the folder with your other template files, Friday will display the contents of the text when you click the folder.

Put any special instructions for the template in a plain ascii text file called NOTES.TXT. When the user chooses this template, Friday will display the contents of the NOTES.TXT file in Notepad.

Optionally, create a FRIDAY.FQA file and include it in the template set. Settings in this file become the defaults for any new FAQs created with this template set. Most of the settings in this file are applied when you apply this template to an existing FAQ. See What items does Friday read from a template's FRIDAY.FQA file? for specifics.

About Notes
Some template sets may require the user to do some extra preparation or copy additional files.

Put any necessary instructions in a plain text file named NOTES.TXT and include it in the folder with the rest of your template set.

When the user chooses the template, Friday will open NOTES.TXT in NOTEPAD so the user can read and optionally print the instructions.

Filename: FAQ00098.htm
Last edited on 11/1/2004 2:06:24 AM

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