
How can I purchase DrawMerge?

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To purchase the full version of DrawMerge, click here

This link takes you to the DrawMerge registration page on Share-It's web site, where you can fill in all of the necessary order information and make your purchase online. What is Share-It?

Once you've placed your order with Share-It, you'll receive a password and registration number. Please do not lose this information. You'll need it to unlock the full, registered version of DrawMerge.

To do this, locate the folder where you installed DrawMerge and doubleclick RegisterDrawMerge.
In the ensuing dialog box, fill in or browse to the folder where you installed DrawMerge then click Unzip. You'll be asked for a password at that point. Fill in the password you received when you registered DrawMerge.

IMPORTANT: Type the password exactly as you received it, all in uppercase. Type the password, NOT the registration number.

If prompted, allow the new file to overwrite the existing DrawMerge.EXE file.

That's all there is to it. The next time you start DrawMerge, you'll be running the full, unlimited registered version.

And thanks for your purchase!

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